Navigating Directors’ Responsibilities: Legal Obligations in Start-up Leadership

In the exciting arena of start-ups, the job of a director is not just necessary, it's critical. Directors navigate for companies and shareholders in the early days of a start-up’s , tasked with steering the company toward prosperity while avoiding potential risks. The importance of Directors’ decisions, both legally and ethically, affects the company’s sustainability, compliance, and growth.


The Legal Framework: Directors' Accountability

Directors are bound by statute to carry out their roles responsibly. While these duties are fundamentally owed to the company, under certain conditions, accountability may extend to shareholders or even creditors, particularly if the company is on the brink of insolvency.


Directors’ Key Statutory Responsibilities

Here are the fundamental legal duties directors are obliged to fulfil:

  • Duty to act within powers.

  • Duty to promote the success of the company.

  • Duty to exercise independent judgement.

  • Duty to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence.

  • Duty to avoid conflicts of interest.

  • Duty not to accept benefits from third parties.

  • Duty to declare interest in proposed transaction or arrangement with the company.

Our article on directors’ duties provides a comprehensive overview of each individual duty and the obligations attached.

Two of the duties of directors at common law also are the duty to act in good faith and the duty to exercise reasonable care & skill.

Good Faith

Acting in good faith forms the cornerstone of a director’s duties. This means making choices that, in their honest opinion, are most likely to increase the company’s success to the benefit of all stakeholders.

Factors that contribute to this include considering employee welfare, acknowledging the environmental and societal impact, sustaining fruitful business relationships with suppliers and clients, treating shareholders equitably, and upholding a reputation for exceptional business ethics and conduct.

Exercise of Reasonable Care and Skill

Directors are obliged to demonstrate a level of care, skill, and diligence equal to that of an objectively reasonably diligent individual performing similar duties. This standard encompasses:

  • The baseline competencies, skills, and experience objectively expected from someone in the role.

  • The actual skills and experience that the director possesses.

For instance, a finance director with accounting credentials will be held to a more rigorous standard compared to a director lacking such qualifications.

Fulfilling these legal duties isn't merely advisable; it's a requirement. Failure to comply can result in legal repercussions, making understanding and adhering to these responsibilities is crucial for any director in a start-up environment.


If you have any further questions on this topic, please email: 

Author: Irene Correro-Garcia -

Author: Irene Correro-Garcia -

In partnership with


This article has been written by law students for the sole purpose of providing informative insight. The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice, nor should the information be used for the purpose of advising clients. You should seek independent legal advice before relying on any of the information provided in this article.



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